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Credit Card Blog - New Credit Cards – November 2006

 Wednesday, 01 November 2006

Your Credit Network is pleased to announce the addition of several new credit cards to our ever-growing portfolio of credit products. These brand new credit cards run the gamut as far as features and rates are concerned, so be sure to check out the full credit card review for each before applying!

The Nest Credit Card

This American Express credit card is designed for newlyweds or couples who are beginning a new life together. The Nest allows for the accumulation of points toward special gifts and getaways, as well as a planning kit to help with the consolidation of assets, creation of joint bank accounts, and tips on how to deal with other tricky financial situations that arise when two people come together in the same home. More information about this credit card can be found in any of the following sections:

The Knot Credit Card

Another matrimony-themed card from American Express, The Knot focuses on the actual wedding rather than life afterward. The most attractive feature about this card if the wedding planning kit that arrives shortly after the applicants are approved for the program; this kit contains a wealth of information about participating vendors (many of which offer 10% discounts to cardholders) including information on entertainment, rentals, and (perhaps the most exciting portion) romantic getaways for new couples. More information about this credit card is available on these pages:

JetBlue Business Credit Card

The wait for a credit card with airline mile bonuses for business owners is finally over! JetBlue has announced a new credit card program with American Express that offers amazing discounts and great airline perks for owners of businesses, large or small. The rewards keep on coming with this card, as miles may be converted to points toward gas, car rentals, as well as rentals for the office or related equipment. For a complete listing of details about this credit card, please visit one of the following sections:

Citi Dividend Platinum Select

This card went offline for a while, but the Citi Dividend Platinum Select Credit Card has exploded back onto the credit card scene with an amazing force. This card is most noted for its amazing cash back program, but one of its lesser-known features is the $5 Dividend Dollars incentive to transfer balances from other credit cards to this program. If you would like more information about this credit card, please visit any of the following pages on our site:

Financial Rewards Visa Platinum Plus

The most recent product from Bank of America, the Financial Rewards Visa Platinum Plus card is for people with very good credit who are looking to take advantage of a reward program that offers cash back incentives. This card is somewhat similar to the Citi Dividend Platinum Select card (listed above) in that it also offers cash incentives for people who are looking to transfer balances onto a new card. If you would like to learn more about this credit card offer, please visit any of the following sections to compare and contrast offers of a similar type:

Team Yourcreditnetwork

Wednesday, 01 November 2006 17:18:54 (GMT Standard Time, UTC+00:00)  #     
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Credit card information posted on this page is subject to change without notice and may not reflect current pricing, fee or rate information as dictated by the issuing bank of the credit card offer(s) featured. In order to ensure that you are viewing the most current information available, please see the full credit card review of any card listed on this page before making the decision to apply for that card. For additional information about this or any other posting made on the Your Credit Network Credit Card Blog, please contact us by clicking here.